2019 Carnival Payout


On Monday 21st October the Clacton Carnival Committee held its Cheque Presentation evening at Alton Park Junior School when the profit of £7141 from this year’s Carnival activities were presented to the various Charities and organisations who had helped with the many events.

With no main charity forthcoming all the monies were divided between the 36 charities and organisations which helped run the Carnival events. Donations ranging from £100 to £450 were handed over to representatives of the organisations by the 2019 Carnival Ambassadors who were, in fact, the 2018 Carnival Court.

The 1st Clacton Scouts who ran the B-B-Q at the events at the School were given £341 their 50% share of the profit which has been an agreement for many years.

Finally, the annual ‘Alan Wiggins MBE Carnival Spirit’ Award was given to Daniel Smith being the person who went ‘the extra mile’ being so helpful in Carnival Week. He also received £100 for his chosen Charity which was St. Helena Hospice.

Chairman, Paul Townend, summed up “I would like to thank all the Committee, volunteers and Sponsors for helping with this special Community Event. Carnival just would not happen without all of you. Despite intermittent weather problems it had been sensible to cut back on the events due to lack of manpower. We still need more people to join us.”


  Clacton Carnival donations 2019:


Clacton Round Table

MS Society

1st Clacton & Holland Enigma Senior section unit.

1st Clacton Enigma Explorer scouts

1st Clacton Girls Brigade

Tendring District Scouts

Clacton Ladies Circle

Clacton & District Local History society

Greenland grove animal sanctuary


Police Cadets

RNLI – Clacton Branch

Barts bears


Clacton WI

The Rotary club of Clacton Jubilee

1st Holland Scouts

Clacton VCH Group

Tendring time bank

St Helena Hospice Clacton

Clacton Neighbourhood Watch

2nd Bockings Elm Brownies

Crescent Cat Rescue

St James’ Soup Kitchen

Cancer Research UK Clacton


Clacton St James Church

Rotary Club of Clacton


Clacton on sea Lions Club

St.Christophers Church

1st Clacton scouts


Epilepsy action - Tendring

12th Clacton Scouts

West Cliff Theatre

1st Clacton Guides

Alton Park School £400

Catering : 1st Clacton Scouts £341

Alan Wiggins ’’Carnival Spirit” Award £100 Committee nominated Daniel Smith

TOTAL: £7,141