A record amount of money has been paid out to more than 40 local charities and organisations by the Clacton Carnival Association from their very successful carnival week in August this year.

A total of £19,106 was handed over to representatives of the many organisations who were invited to a Presentation Evening held at the Clacton County High School on 20th October. All the cheques were handed over by Clacton Carnival Queen, Layna Sack and her Princesses Megan Bush and Amy Miller.

The Carnival Association were able to give donations to three charities as a result of the money collected at the Carnival Procession.  The main charity, Talkwood Recycling, received a cheque for £3,000 which they will use to buy specialised equipment and training for their wood recycling project. The 2 secondary charities who received donations were Clacton and Tendring Shopmobility who received £1,250 and the Youth Theatre Supporters Group who received £750.

Another record which was broken was the profit from this year’s issue of the Carnival Newspaper, a joint production with Clacton Lions and a cheque for £2,256 was presented to them, as their 50% share.  Also working in partnership with Carnival were the 1st Clacton Scouts, who ran the catering marquee for the 3 events at Gainsford Avenue Sportsground and they received a cheque for £1,000, their 50% of the profit.

A donation of £750 was given to Colchester Institute for the use of the Gainsford Avenue Sportsground for Carnival week.

Further cheques were handed over ranging from £200 to donations £750 (a full list is attached).


John Sowton said “In my first year as Chairman I have to thank the Committee for their hard work, the many Sponsors and everyone who contributed to the success of this year’s Carnival, resulting in us making a record payout.”


Clacton Carnival Association 2009 Donations


Essex Police                                                          £200

Essex Police Specials                                             £200

Fire Benevolent Fund                                             £200

Round Table                                                         £200

6th Clacton Guides                                                £250

Rotary Club of Clacton Jubilee                               £200

4 Youth                                                               £200

Inner Wheel                                                         £200

1st Great Clacton Brownies                                   £200

Warwick Castle Lodge (Buffaloes)                         £200

St John Cadets                                                     £200

Age Concern                                                        £200

3rd Jaywick Scouts                                               £200

MS Society                                                          £200

TCVS                                                                  £200


Clacton Ranger Guides                                        £250

1st Holland Scouts                                              £250

Friends of West Cliff Theatre                               £250

Epilepsy Action Tendring                                     £250

Girls’ Brigade                                                     £250

Alzheimer’s Society                                            £250

Clacton Neighbourhood Watch                            £250

British Red Cross                                              £250

Tendring VIPs                                                   £250

3rd Clacton Guides                                            £250

The Topaz Trust                                               £250

Our Lady of Light and St. Osyth Churches          £250

1st Holland Guides                                            £250


7th Clacton Scouts                                            £350

Clacton Queen Steam Preservation                     £350

1st Clacton Guides                                             £350

Lions Club of Clacton-on-Sea                             £350

Clacton Rotary Club                                          £350


12th Clacton Scouts                                         £450

Weeley Bridge Breakers                                   £450

T.R.E.E.                                                         £450


St John Ambulance                                          £750


1st Clacton Scouts - Catering                         £1,000


Lions Club of Clacton on Sea - Newspaper    £2,256


Colchester Institute                                      £750


Main Charity

     Talkwood Recycling                                 £3,000


Secondary Charities

Tendring Shopmobility                                 £1,250

Youth Theatre Supporters Group                    £750

Total                                                              £19,106



presentation evening photo  

Photo  L – R   Alan Mercer, President Clacton Lions Club; Amy Miller, Princess; Barry Smith, Talkwood Recycling; Layna Sack, Carnival Queen; Tracey White, Youth Theatre Supporters Group; Megan Bush, Princess, Peter De-vaux Balbernie and Julie Hewes-Gardner, Clacton and Tendring Shopmobility; John Sowton, Carnival Chairman