Local Hospice Chosen as Main Charity



Following our recent appeal, the Clacton Carnival Committee received several requests from local organisations wishing to be considered as the main beneficiary from our Carnival Procession in August this year.


After very careful consideration of all the applicants, the Carnival Committee has chosen to support the St. Helena Hospice Tendring Centre in Clacton. Their Carnival Room is being refurbished and they need funds for new equipment and furniture. The Carnival Room was so named in recognition of the £22,500 donation from Clacton Carnival in the year 2000, towards the building of the new St. Helena Hospice Day Centre in Clacton. This is a very worthy cause which will be of benefit to so many people and we are sure it will be well supported by the public.


The Carnival Committee would like to thank everyone who applied and all other suitable requests will be considered for a donation at the end of Carnival. 


Clacton Carnival Week 2015 starts with the Carnival Procession at 6.00pm on Saturday 8th August when the theme will be “Heroes and Villains’.  Anyone wishing to participate should contact Alun Primmer on 01255 425004 or full details and entry forms are on the Carnival website Here