We are thrilled to announce this years Carnival Queen is
15 year old Melisa Smith who is a pupil at Clacton Coastal Academy. Melisa is
joined by Princesses Lily Powel aged 14 who attends Clacton County High school
and 13 year old Danielle Fraser who goes to Tendring Technology Collage.
The evening which was sponsored by Pink Palace Hotel was really well attended
and the calibre of the entrants was very high this year making the job of the
judges a real challenge.
We are delighted to have the return of the court after a few years break and
can’t wait to see the queen and her court lead the Clacton Carnival procession
on the 10th August.
Special thanks to our photographer for the event, year 10 photography student
Zoe Elliott from Clacton Coastal Academy.